Appointed Lead Designer for Conservation and Repair of Willmer House, Museum of Farnham

We have been busily completing the RIBA Stage 4 design for conservation and repair work at Willmer House, Museum of Farnham. work will focus on the principal facade facing South Street and will include repair and small scale conservation of the gauged brick facade, replacing the heavily decayed gauged brick cornice with new gauged brickwork to accurately match the original design and materials and replacing the later brick parapet with new gauged brickwork based on archaeological and documentary evidence. We will also be conserving and repairing the sash windows and external joinery, repainting with colours and paints to match the original and repairing leadwork and roof junctions. We are fortunate to be working with a great client, the Museum of Farnham and a highly skilled project team including Drake & Kannemeyer and Morton Conservation. The project will start on site later this year.