Conservation Management Plan - Vicars' Close, Wells Cathedral

We have been incredibly fortunate to work with a fantastic client and incredibly talented design team to assist in developing proposals for the conservation and repair of Vicars’ Close. Our role was development of the Conservation Management Plan. This included research, site survey and investigation, photographic recording and drawings to illustrate phases. Vicars close included forty two medieval houses (now adapted into twenty seven houses) dating from 1348, the Vicars’ Chapel, Vicars’ Hall, the Exchequer and Treasury and the wider site. Vicars’ Close is one of the most complete medieval streetscapes in Europe.

The Conservation Management Plan included a statement of significance and conservation policies. Graham Abrey of Ingram Consultancy was very fortunate to team up with Catherine Woolfitt of Catherine Woolfitt Associates for this project.

An example of a drawing prepared by Ingram Consultancy illustrate an early construction phase of the Vicars' houses 

Plan drawing illustrating the probable construction phases of the Vicars' Houses

Technical design for replacement historic architectural terracotta balcony

Ingram Consultancy were commissioned to complete the RIBA Stage 4 Technical design for replacing a historic terracotta balcony. Unfortunately the balcony was in poor condition with extensive cracking, localised collapse and decay caused by corroded embedded structural steelwork and expansion of clinker concrete infill. It is hoped that some of the original undamaged terracotta can be saved but significant replacement with new terracotta is anticipated. Proposals were developed to replace the balcony replicating original details using lime construction mortars rather than cement mortars and clinker concrete. Planning Permission has just been granted for the proposed works which is a historic building of local interest within a conservation area and within the setting of adjacent listed buildings.

Conservation Exemplar: Theodosian Palace, Stobi, North Macedonia

We have just returned from site work at the archaeological site of Stobi in North Macedonia. Ingram Consultancy were appointed as conservation advisors and lead consultants by the Balkan Heritage Foundation on behalf of the National Institution Stobi to develop a conservation exemplar proposal for masonry repair. The work involved stabilising a ruined masonry wall heavily decayed by salt decay, matching original lime mortars and materials, and repairing the wall head using a hard wall capping proposal. The proposed work sought to repair as found with very little change to the irregular wall shape. Site works were completed by Skillington Conservation to a very high standard. The client and project team are delighted with the results. This project now paves the way for wider conservation and repair of the Theodosian Palace.

Part of the Theodosian Palace

Wall 16 with significant cavernous decay caused by repeated phase change of water soluble salt

The existing decayed wall head allowing significant water saturation of the wall below

The wall was covered with second hand wool blankets soaked in water at the end of each day to retain moisture in the wall and new lime repair mortars.  Slowing the drying out process, optimises mortar strength and durability

Wall 16 on completion of conservation and repair

The consolidated wall head.  The 'as found' irregular wall head profile is maintained.  Additional  stones are only added where they are justified to shed water from the wall.

A design drawing for the exemplar project

Design drawing illustrating where replacement stone was required to resolve very deep cavernous decay where there is a high risk of collapse

Design drawing illustrating the hard wall capping process.  Loose stones are recorded, temporarily removed and reinstated in their original locations.  Where new stone is installed the stone must overlap mortar joints below to enhance durability

Appointed Lead Designer for Conservation and Repair of Willmer House, Museum of Farnham

We have been busily completing the RIBA Stage 4 design for conservation and repair work at Willmer House, Museum of Farnham. work will focus on the principal facade facing South Street and will include repair and small scale conservation of the gauged brick facade, replacing the heavily decayed gauged brick cornice with new gauged brickwork to accurately match the original design and materials and replacing the later brick parapet with new gauged brickwork based on archaeological and documentary evidence. We will also be conserving and repairing the sash windows and external joinery, repainting with colours and paints to match the original and repairing leadwork and roof junctions. We are fortunate to be working with a great client, the Museum of Farnham and a highly skilled project team including Drake & Kannemeyer and Morton Conservation. The project will start on site later this year.

Georgian Splendour and Conservation and Repair of Sash Windows

After a very difficult 2020 and early 2021 with project work being cancelled and postponed due to COVID-19, work is picking up with a pace.

We have just started condition survey of mid eighteenth to mid nineteenth century sash windows and external doors on a large grade II* Georgian house.

Our consultancy work includes condition survey, scheduling and specifying traditional joinery repairs, removing poorly executed past repairs, removing modern alkyd resin paints, and redecorating with linseed oil paints. As part of this work the windows will be made fully operational with options to improve engird efficiency by minimising drafts.

Conservation and repair works will be tendered over the next few months for a site based project commencing in July this year. Work has included architectural paint analysis to clarify chronology and early and historically significant decoration schemes.

Statement of Significance for a Victorian Public Urinal

We're busy working on what is turning out to be a fascinating project; researching and writing a Statement of Significance for a disused late Victorian public urinal.  Research indicates public urinals were once widespread in London in the second half of the nineteenth century, but this appears to be one of the last remaining examples.  We can't wait to discover more about this!

Guest Tutor on a Mortars Technology Course

Graham has been invited to present a lecture on mortar technology and the comparison of historic mortars with contemporary lime mortars on the Mortars Course at West Dean College in November 2018. Find out more here.

Building Recording and Condition Survey of Victorian Public Urinals

We have an unusual project! We have been commissioned to carry out building recording work, historical research and condition survey of Victorian Urinals in East London which are no longer in use. An interesting project for us as it is a field of work we have never encountered before.

Completion of the Reinstatement of the Historic Drinking Fountain at St Pancras International Station

Work has recently been completed on site to repair and conserve the Victorian drinking fountain which included bringing it back into use as a public drinking water supply. Ingram Consultancy were appointed as the designer and conservation advisor working on behalf of the client. It has been inspiring to see a piece of history being restored back to its original use of providing drinking water to the public. 

Graham Abrey appointed as Course Leader & Tutor for the West Dean Conservation and Masonry Ruins Course

Graham’s commission includes developing new and updated course content with fellow tutors, with lectures and practical workshops on soft capping to masonry walls, grouting, mortars technology including earth mortars, consolidation, recording and conservation principles and ethics. Find out more here.