Here is just a small selection of the projects that we have worked on over the years.

Buckfast Abbey, Devon
Grade II* Listed Building
Benedictine Abbey rebuilt in 1907-1932 on the foundations of the medieval Cistercian church and cloister. The majority of the church was reconstructed using local stones, lime mortar and traditional solid composite wall construction.
Ingram Consultancy were commissioned to design and supervise conservation and repair work to the external and interior fabric of the church including cleaning, repair, and conservation of stone, polychrome surfaces and leaded glass windows, monuments and sculpture, refurbishment of rainwater drainage and replacement of lead and copper roofs.
The commission was extended to include the design of new Purbeck limestone floors throughout the church and the design of a new Cosmatesque High Altar floor. The floor was designed in the Cosmati tradition using red and green porphyry, Giallo Antico, Verdi Antico, Black & Gold marble, green onyx and Botticino Semiclassico. All floors were installed on lime mortars using traditional techniques.

Guildford Castle, Guildford
Scheduled Ancient Monument
Norman tower keep constructed from small scale rubble composed of chalk, Bargate stone and flint.
Ingram Consultancy were commissioned to carry out a detailed condition survey and prepare designs for a programme of conservation repair which included reinstating a roof and floor in the previously roofless building. During the programme of work the practice provided ongoing technical advice to the project manager and client.
Horton Court, South Gloucestershire
Grade I Listed Building
Manor house and loggia dating from c.1140 with substantial alterations and additions in the 14th, 15th, 16th and 18th centuries. The house is constructed from Cotswold limestone with stone tile roof.
Ingram Consultancy were commissioned to design and supervise a programme of essential fabric repairs based upon recommendations included in architectural and quinquennial survey reports. The programme of work included roof repairs, reinstating rough cast render, refurbishing and replacing cast iron rainwater gutters and installing a new fire alarm system.

Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire
Scheduled Ancient Monument
Augustinian Priory and Church constructed during the 13th century of White Mansfield dolomitic sandstone and Linby limestone. The Church was partially demolished during the reformation and the Priory converted to a house which later became the home of the poet Lord Byron.
Ingram Consultancy were commissioned to carry out a detailed condition survey of the ruined West Front of the priory church and carry out photographic recording using traditional 5 x 4 large format and 35mm photography. The condition survey included cost budgets for a phased programme of conservation and repair.

St James the Less, St Peter Port, Guernsey
Listed Building (Guernsey legislation)
Former church built in 1817 to the designs of John Wilson in the Greek manner. Constructed in granite rubble and Portland stone with a neoclassical stucco façade of Roman cement.
The commission involved condition survey of the stucco façade and designing a programme of conservation repair which included paint removal, stucco repair, limestone repair and conservation, joinery repair, redecoration and new lead work.

St Luke's Centre, Islington, London
Grade I Listed Building
Disused and roofless former Anglican Church of St Luke’s was converted into a music centre for the London Symphony Orchestra.
Neoclassical Church constructed in 1733 and attributed to Nicholas Hawkesmoor.
The commission included detailed survey of the Portland stone masonry facade and spire, internal brick and plaster and production of specifications and schedules of work. Technical advice was provided during the course of the site works which included cleaning and repair trials.

st pancras international station, london
Grade I Listed Building
Railway terminus and trainshed designed by George Gilbert Scott and William Henry Barlow, built between 1865 and 1868, constructed in deep red Gripper’s patent bricks with Ancaster and Ketton limestone and red Mansfield detailing.
Ingram Consultancy were appointed by Costain Laing O’Rourke Emcor Bachy Joint Venture as Heritage Advisors to the project from July 2004 – July 2007 (project completion).
Areas of Work:
Assisting with applications to discharge reserved matters in compliance with the Channel Tunnel Rail Act Heritage Deeds
Negotiating consents with statutory bodies
Condition surveys
Assisting in detailed design
Technical advice for conservation repair and adaptation
Providing practical advice on buildability issues
Assessing temporary works proposals
Monitoring work on site for compliance with approved details
Acting as as Heritage Advisors to the project

Waterlow Park, Highgate London
Grade II listed garden walls
Sixteenth century garden walls to Lauderdale House with later alterations and additions.
A sensitive programme of conservation work was devised with the intention of retaining original fabric. Repair involved the use of lime putty and NHL2 hydraulic lime mortars with new handmade bricks.
Missing elements were reconstructed based on site archaeology supported by research.
Winner of the RICS Building Conservation Award 2006, London Region.